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Discover 4 Paint Protection Myths. Ever wondered about any of these?


Hi there! Vini Ferrari here from Adelaide Paint Protection. Today I thought I would try to dispel some of the myths out there about Ceramic Coatings. I will discuss the four big ones I hear all the time. There are some coating companies that have an “As Seen On TV” type of marketing campaign. This can leave consumers […]

Will a Ceramic Coating Prevent Scratches?


One of the most common questions I receive is, “Will this really prevent scratches like they claim”? When it comes to ceramic coatings, many companies make claims of how durable and long lasting their product is. The answer to that is yes, in a way, but no coating will prevent stone chips, prevent a key […]

10 Common Car Detailing Myths


We’ve heard all the common car detailing myths and we’ve seen first hand what the friendly detailing tip your neighbor gives you really does to your car (hint: it’s not pretty). Let’s get right into debunking a few of the most common car detailing myths. 10 Common Car Detailing Myths 1) It’s okay to use […]